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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  July 6, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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have plain wide jeeps parked on the side of the road. they're there to catch speeders. they have cameras inside of these jeeps and also workers. well, around 11:30 this morning, by the woods, one of the workers was sitting inside of his jeep when a man approached. he was armed with a hammer and a shotgun. this is a shot of the investigators driving the damaged speed camera vehicle off of the baltimore washington parkway, just before they reopened it this afternoon. you can clearly see two large holes in the windshield of the white jeep. police are still looking for the man who put those holes there. >> the witness said that the individual was armed with a shotgun in it one hand and a hammer in the other. a small type hammer. he said that the individual went to the rear window of the jeep and began tapping on the rear window with the shotgun. the witness was obviously frightened at that point, and began blowing his horn. he said the individual then came around to the front of the truck and began striking the front windshield with his hammer.
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>> the worker says the man never fired his gun. he says that he was screaming incoherently as he banged on the windshield with his hammer. and just as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared into the woods. the worker was not harmed. police quickly shut down the baltimore washington parkway between the baltimore beltway and route 100 until 2:45 p.m. police with maryland state and the maryland state highway authority, as well as anne arundel county searched for the suspect. more than 50 officers combed the woods near the bw parkway with canines. they also searched nearby parking lots and hotels as a chopper flew overhead. >> i got a delivery just on the other side of that bridge, the state bridge, hotel there. and they're not letting anybody through. >> reporter: how much of an inconvenience is this for you? >> a lot. i'm not sure why the perimeter is as wide as it is. i understand he's an older gentleman. i don't understand where he's so tough to find.
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>> reporter: after three hours of searching, no suspect was captured and 295 was reopened. >> no indication he was along interstate 295, so officials felt it was safe at that point to reopen the parkway. they have done so, but their search is continuing this afternoon. >> reporter: now, again, when this happened, there were folks driving down the bw parkway who witnessed this, pulled over, called police. some of those people stuck around to give their testimony to exactly what it is they saw out here on the parkway. but again, that suspect has not been brought into custody. i'm tracee wilkins. back to you in the studio. >> thank you, tracee. accusations of sexual assault and misconduct have marreded the beginning of the d.c. summer jobs program. one man, a district government worker, has been arrested in one of those cases. the other case is still being investigated. tom sherwood here now with more on this story. tom? >> jim, the city worker arrested had no official role with the summer jobs program, but the arrest is having an impact on that program.
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mayor vincent gray says he's taking the sexual assaults very seriously. he is stepping up reviews of the summer jobs program and safety issues. >> they have a right, obviously, to expect a wholesome and healthy summer youth employment work experience. >> reporter: news4 has learned the man arrested and charged with felony sexual touching at the employment services headquarters, thomas nelson, has a long criminal record dating back to the 1980s. and he served time in prison. but a city background check officially only looks for crimes occurring within the last ten years, and nelson's record showed no sexual crime issues. city officials stressed nelson had a low-level job and no official contact with summer jobs. >> he is not a supervisor. all supervisors are required to have a background check, which the metropolitan police department conducts. >> and owe what his his job? >> he is a file clerk. >> reporter: the 19-year-old
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victim working at anacostia high school is still under investigation. 12,000 young people have jobs this year, fewer than in the past. the mayor cut the number to avoid payroll. michael brown says he'll hold a hearing on the sexual crime incidents. >> do parents need to be worried about their children in the summer jobs program? >> no, we want to make sure the safeguards there were followed and if not strong enough, they need to be strengthened. >> the city says there will now be random checks with summer workers throughout the program. it has about five more weeks to go. >> tom sherwood reporting. thank you, tom. in leesburg, virginia, a child care worker is -- has been locked up tonight. he's accused of sexually assaulting a 4-year-old child at a school. the man's name is brad minor. they say he's 23 years old.
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they arrested him yesterday. he's charged with one count of forcible sodomy. he works at the chester brook academy in leesburg. police made the arrest after they got a tip from a parent back in march. there is a warning about a potential terror plot that involves a new effort to get a bomb on a plane bound for america. u.s. officials have warned airlines about intercepted intelligence that shows foreign terrorists have talked about ways to plant a bomb inside a passenger. an official familiar with the intel told nbc news that the plot goes beyond concealing a bomb in a body cavity. this plan would involve surgically implanting a device. authorities say there is no indication the plan is moved beyond the talking stage. still, transportation security officials are warning travelers to expect a variety of additional screening measures on international flights bound for the u.s. the army psychiatrist charged in that deadly ft. hood shooting will face the death penalty after he's tried by the military. major nadal hasan will be court
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martialed in texas at ft. hood. he's accused in that rampage that left 13 people dead in 2009. hasan was paralyzed from the waist down after police fired at him during the shooting spree. he worked here at walter reid army medical center before he was stationed at ft. hood in texas. today, president obama made white house history by hosting the first-ever twitter town hall. it was a chance for the president to reconnect with the social media universe of young voters who powered his presidential campaign. it also was an opportunity to score points with the rest of the country on the eve of a big bipartisan meeting on the looming debt crisis. brian mooar is on capitol hill now with more on this. brian? >> hey there, jim. those twitter messages are limited to 140 characters, but the tweeter in chief was allowed to go a little bit longer. >> here's a tweet. >> from the whitehouse, president obama hosted the first-ever twitter town hall.
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a question and answer session that started with a hardball. >> what mistakes have you made in handling this recession, and what would you do differently? >> one would have been to explain to the american people that it was going to take a while for us to get out of this. >> reporter: the white house says the questions were both written and chosen by twitter users. >> our next question comes from someone you may know. this is speaker boehner. >> oh, there you go. >> after embarking on a record spending binge that left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs? >> what he's right about is that we have not seen fast enough job growth relative to the need. >> reporter: the twitter town hall came on the eve of a white house debt ceiling showdown with congressional leaders from both parties. they've got a few weeks to raise uncle sam's credit limit or risk economic calamity. >> the debt ceiling should not
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be something that is used as a gun against the heads of the american people. >> reporter: the president laid out what he wants from the meeting. >> a balanced approach that has more cuts than revenue, but has some revenue, and that revenue should come from the people who can most afford it. >> reporter: on message from the white house. a new way of reaching out to america. and there is at least the possibility of a breakthrough on that debt deal. house majority leader eric cantor, who walked out of the last set of talks, says he is now willing to at least consider the idea of some tax loopholes. on capitol hill, i'm brian mooar, news4. jim, back to you. >> thanks, brian. coming up, outrage rippled across the country after the casey anthony verdict yesterday. now we'll find out what could be next for the florida mother who has been cleared of murder. journalists have been accused of hacking into the voice mails of crime victims, just to get themselves a good headline. air traffic control
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recordings reveal just how quickly southwest airline pilots reacted to a hole opening up in mid flight. the creator of a popular new diet has lost a big battle in court. doug, what's ahead in weather? >> i think it's going to stay hot and humid across our area, and our storms are going to be on the increase in the next couple days. current temperature out there now, 86 with a heat index of 91. i'll show you when the storms i'll show you when the storms moveand this is my cvs.'m carla,
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we look out for patients by offering care 1 on 1. we help them save money with generic prescriptions. we talk to them about prescription safety and -- help them save money. plus we discuss possible side effects and -- help them save money! we help them save money. get care 1 on 1 and talk savings, safety, and side effects when you transfer or fill a new ongoing prescription. i'm carla, and this is my cvs. and his, too.
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the prime minister of britain today called for a government inquiry into a scandal that has rocked the british media. the british tabloid "news of the world" has been accused of hacking into the voicemails of crime victims. one of them was a missing 13-year-old who was later found murdered. the activity on the child's voice mail gave her parents false hope that she was alive. family members of the victimses of the 2005 train bombings in london may also have been hacked. >> during this investigation, they have come across a file with my name, my home address, my home landline, and police let me know they found this in the possession of a private investigator who made all of these alleged phone hackings.
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>> companies in the u.k., advertisers, that is, are pulling ads from that newspaper, "news of the world" which is owned in part by media mogul rupert murdoch. there continues to be fallout after the verdict of the casey anthony trial. there are lingering questions about the decision and what comes next. jay gray is in orlando with the very latest on all of this today. jay? >> reporter: good evening, dorene. yeah, the jury may have rendered a verdict in this case, but a day later, many, including those who know casey anthony, are still weighing in. >> the verdict as to count one, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: the trial may be over, but the questions and controversy are not. >> i think that we all wanted the truth, and i think at the  end we still don't have that. >> reporter: a truth that prosecutor jeff ashton fears will never be revealed. >> no, we never will. we never will. because even if -- even if casey got out of jail and wrote a book
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and said it, i don't know that any of us would really know if we could believe it or not. >> justice for caylee! >> reporter: just as hard for many to believe is how the jury reached its decision. so far, none of the active jurors has spoken publicly since the verdict, but an alternate is now providing some insight. >> the prosecution didn't present, you know, the evidence that would have sustained either a murder charge or a manslaughter charge. >> reporter: as casey anthony now prepares for sentencing on the four guilty counts of providing false information to law officers and the real possibility that tomorrow she could be free for the first time in three years, the questions have turned to what comes next. >> right now, she has everything she ever wanted. she's going to have money. she's going to have people at her doorstep, asking for her, wanting her. and she's going to have that partying lifestyle that she so craved. >> reporter: while there continues to be speculation about television interviews, movie and book deals, ex-fiance jesse grund feels certain the
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next chapter in anthony's life will not include a trip home. this afternoon, her parents, george and cindy, were seen leaving the house with a police escort. >> there's no way casey goes back to that household. cindy and casey have had an adversarial relationship the entire time that caylee has been alive. >> reporter: just like the trial that unfolded for more than six weeks here, so many are still wondering what comes next. and we should learn a lot more about that tomorrow morning when casey anthony is back before judge belvin perry here at the orange county courthouse. live in orlando, i'm jay gray. dorene, back to you. >> well, jay, if it seems clear that she's not going to her parents' home, if she is released tomorrow, any indications about where she would go? >> reporter: it's interesting. we don't know where it will be. we know it will be out of the spotlight for the first time in almost three years. her defense team has said that even before the verdict was read, before they knew what was happening, they had a plan in place to get her out and get her to a secluded area. in fact, her attorney, jose
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baez, said she needs some time to, a., grieve the loss of her child, and b., get back on her feet after being in jail for three years. so they apparently have a plan in place. they're not telling anyone what that may be. and you can understand why. but, yeah, they say they're going to get her out of the spotlight, away from the glare of the television cameras. >> more tomorrow. jay gray, reporting from orlando. thank you, jay. >> thanks. the creator of the dukan diet just lost a libel suit in france. pierre dukan sued a rival who claimed the high-protein low carb diet was dangerous and could lead to cardiovascular problems and even breast cancer. last night the court threw out the libel suit and ordered dukan to pay a fine of more than $4,000 for filing what the court considered an excessive legal procedure. the dukan diet is popular in france and the u.k. right now, and grew more popular after it was reported that kate middleton's mother and sister, pippa followed it to slim down for the royal wedding.
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coming up tonight, tell you about an unusual police chase in virginia this morning. >> facebook has revealed a new feature that has people talking. and summer storms rolling
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the astronaut legend john glenn has very strong opinions
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about the final launch of the space shuttle "atlantis" this week. nbc's brian williams talked with glenn at the air and space museum annex about the end of the shuttle program. john glenn was the first american to orbit the earth in 1962. he went on to become a senator from ohio. he was also the oldest man in space when he flew on the "discovery" shuttle in 1998. >> without the shuttle, we have no way of getting into space ourselves. and so we are sending our astronauts over to russia to have them put our people in the s s soyuz, which is just not the answer to me. >> we'll hear more about john glenn's views on the future of space travel coming up tonight on "nbc nightly news" right after this broadcast. a big black bear found its way on to a port smith, virginia highway this morning. you can see him darting across traffic here. oh, my goodness.
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officers gathered in numbers to try to catch the wayward bear with the help of tranquilizers. the 350-pound black bear was eventually captured. it ran off before it fell asleep on an off-ramp. i guess the tranquilizer worked. the bear was then released into the wild. hopefully far away from any other highways. that's something you don't see very often. >> no, not on the highway. >> yeah. >> that's the second today. >> not in ports smith, virginia. >> that, too. we had a story about a horse going down a highway earlier and now a black bear. >> is it a full moon? >> no, dorene, it's actually a crescent moon. >> okay. and it is a waning moon right now. >> okay. >> actually, i think it's waxing. we'll have to talk about that later. as far as our weather is concerned out there right now, it is warm, it is very humid. and guess what? it's going to stay that way. take a look out there right now. we are looking at plenty of sunshine after a lot of clouds earlier, even some rain earlier this morning. we have seen the sun over the last couple hours, and our temperatures have actually continued to warm up.
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outside right now, we're sitting at 86 degrees, and that was the high temperature today. 86 degrees. or at least a high so far. low this morning was 77, so incredibly warm when you woke up and walked outside this morning. just under 1/10 of an inch of rain at the airport this morning, and a better chance coming the next couple he days. i think tomorrow a pretty good chance of rain and the best chance on friday. 86 degrees out there right now with humidity, 59%. winds out of the south at 9 miles per hour. look at the dew point. 70 degrees. that puts our heat index above 90. we're sitting at 91 right now for the heat index. the actual temperature in hagerstown is 91. 90 in martinsburg, 90 in winchester. cooler to the south. 80 in fredericksburg, 76 towards leonardtown, because of the clouds and the rain there. towards the south, we have seen a lot of rain, at least a third of an inch into portions of the northern neck. so heat index not much of a factor. only 80 in leonardtown, but the rest of the area around that 90
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degree mark. including clinton, annapolis, baltimore around the 09 degree mark. so its a very humid day. the radar, no rain in our region. we did see rain and still have some light rain in southern portions of st. mary's county, but that is it. if you're thinking about going to the nationals' game tonight, should be a-okay, on the warm side. here's the rain that came through this morning. now looking at the rain to our south and east. that is with that frontal boundary that's just kind of been meandering around our region. came further to the north today. i think tomorrow it will move further north, so giving just about everybody a better chance of showers and thunderstorms. and we'll break that down for you right now. 7:00 tonight, not much going on. tomorrow morning, may see some fog in some locations, but that's going to be about it. look what happens around noon. widely scattered showers and thunderstorms. i think the best chances early would be along the bay breezes down near toward southern maryland and again toward the delmarva and then we'll start to focus our areas inland. during the afternoon, we could
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see strong storms. any storms that develop could produce locally heavy downpours thursday and friday. this is thursday night, things winding down a little bit. look what happens friday, right back into the action. friday, we could see very heavy rain as a little tropical system or at least some tropical moisture makes its way up from the south. partly cloudy, quite humid this evening. 86, dropping to about 82 degrees by about 9:00. so we're not going to move down too much tonight. mostly clear, warm and humid tomorrow morning. 67 to about 74 degrees. as we move toward tomorrow afternoon, scattered storms likely. i would recommend taking the umbrella with you. high temperatures in the upper 80s to around the 92 degree mark. i think 91 at the airport. 84 on your friday, a little bit cooler if it you want say cooler, because we're talking about that humidity creeping up there, 60% chance of rain. right now, humidity kind of dies out saturday and sunday. temperatures in the upper 80s to around the 90 degree mark. it does look like the weekend will stay dry, though, even towards the beaches and down toward the bay and your extended outlook, back into the 90s for the start of next week.
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coming up on friday, well, we hope this friday we're able to do it. we're looking to be in somebody's backyard. go to >> we could use the rain, i guess. >> we really do need the rain. >> but you need your barbecue too. >> i really do. coming up, the fight over whether to have above-ground trains in the metro to dulles plan may be gaining momentum. a mother charged with felony murder for leaving her child in a hot car. now we're learning how far she had to go to drop off that kid at daycare. a massive peace festival exploded in downtown washington. metro escalators are failing so often. and how long will it be before metro replaces or repairs all of them? this is chris gordon. i'll have a report ahead. coming up in sports, at the
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women's world cup, sweeten takes advantage of early breaks against the u.s. and nats fans have less than 24 hours to make what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those,
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the baltimore washington parkway is open now, but earlier this afternoon, it was shut down near the airport because police
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are were looking for a gunman. police believe a guy armed with a shotgun and a hammer attacked a speed camera worker in his truck. the worker was not injured. the suspect was not caught. d.c. mayor vincent gray says the city has stepped up efforts to protect young people. this comes after two accusations of sexual assault in the first week of the city's summer jobs program. news4 has learned that one man arrested in one of the cases has a long criminal record, and has served time in prison. president obama hosted the first-ever white house twitter town hall today. the public tweeted questions on the economy. the president responded in front of a live audience. in prince william county, virginia, a mother is free on bond, but is facing felony charges in the death of her child. her 2-year-old son died last month after being left in a hot car all day. >> the today, the chief prosecutor explained why he thought criminal charges were in order in this case. jane watrel has our report. >> reporter: karen murphy walked into the prince william county
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courthouse to face felony murder and child neglect charges. the 40-year-old mom is accused of forgetting her 2-year-old son ryan in the family's minivan on june 17th. authorities say the toddler died after being exposed to the heat in excess of seven hours. prosecutor paul ebert says he doesn't believe murphy intended to harm her child, but maintains she is responsible for her actions. >> that's one of the reasons that we charge people. i don't know that she is going to be any better or worse for the prosecution, but one of the reasons is we hope it will be a wake-up call for other people who may be inclined to not take care of their children. >> reporter: murphy's attorney called the bristow veterinarian a wonderful mother who was devastated by the loss. >> i'm surprised that the prosecutor elected to bring these charges, literally within two weeks after the death of the child. the family hasn't really even had a chance to mourn. >> reporter: but according to court documents, the june incident wasn't the first time murphy, a married mother of three, had apparently forgotten
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about ryan in the family's van. court documents say it was january of this year when the kinder care daycare facility called karen murphy to notify her that ryan was absent. murphy, whose veterinary practice is in the same shopping center as the daycare facility, then came outside of her practice and got ryan out of the family car. documents say ryan had been left in the van for 20 minutes. >> that had bearing on my decision to present the indictment. >> reporter: but murphy's attorney maintains, ryan's death was accidental. >> we will do everything we can legally to keep this family together. and is to keep the prosecutor and the legal system from tearing this family apart because of what was obviously a very tragic accident. >> reporter: murphy is out on $25,000 bond. she'll be back in court july 15th to set a trial date. in manassas, jane watrel, news4. >> a felony murder charge
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carries a maximum sentence of up to 40 years in prison. a man has been sentenced to 16 months in prison for a gun incident that had officers scrambling on capitol hill. the u.s. attorney's office says john wheeler jr. pointed a gun at several police officers near second and c street southwest. this was back in september. he refused commands to drop his weapon, and officers eventually fired and hit him. wheeler pleaded guilty to assaulting, resisting or impeding the officers in march. he'll have to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet after his 16 months in jail. an audio recording released today reveals more about how a pilot landed a plane after the roof on that plane ripped open. it happened in april in the skies over arizona. all of the 118 passengers survived.
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the pilots were able to land in about five minutes. a preliminary report showed they may -- there may have been flaws in the plane's aluminum cover when it was built 15 years ago. d.c. mayor vincent gray is changing his mind about building a metro rail line. he supports an above-ground station at deulles. the mayor was originally in favor of the underground station, but that option would add $300 million to the price tag. mayor gray is now urging the district's three members on the regional airport's board to switch their votes. he says holding firm on an underground station would put the entire project in jeopardy. >> yeah, i've had extensive conversations with governor mcdonnell about this, and i'm convinced this is going to -- this is going to result in a very substantial financial
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hardship, which will be borne completely by the state of virginia that could ultimately imperil, you know, this line that we have been waiting for. >> today the loudoun county board of directors announced it won't take action on the dulles metro project until july 19th. metro bus is considering some changes to accommodate local army employees affected by the base realignment plans. the transit agency says it will propose two new bus routes that will take commuters directly to the mark center in alexandria, and to ft. belvoir in fairfax county. the transit agency says the new routes will bring some relief to the workers who are being relocated. the proposal will be dealt -- they'll talk about it at a metro board meeting tomorrow. both the base realignment plan and the -- both the locations, that is, are expected to open next month. people say it is about time metro got its act together.
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the system is wearing down, and that's left escalators out of service time and then time again. chris gordon has a report now on how people are fighting problems at the foggy bottom station, and how long those problems may go on. >> reporter: only one of the three escalators at the foggy bottom gwu metro station is working. metro riders have to walk down stairs, and that presents a problem for passengers with children and strollers in tow. >> two kids, stroller, diaper bag, it's hard. i mean, stairs are long. >> reporter: david lingenbacke rides metro daily, and although he's blind, he copes. >> mainly, i can walk down steps like anybody else, but it is a bit of a shocker if you think it's moving and you get on it and it doesn't move, you know. you kind of catapult forward a little bit. >> reporter: and then there are passengers who have physical disabilities and have to climb
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down the long flight of stairs into the station. tuesday, none of the escalators were working here, and the station was packed with passengers waiting to try to walk up the stairs or in long lines for the elevator. this morning, all of the escalators again went out, and repair crews found three flip-flo flip-flops, summer sandals, stuck inside. at the dupont circle station, two escalators are not working. metro says smoke poured from them monday afternoon. metro's monthly update called vital signs report says 485 of the 588 escalators were operating in may, 2011. this represents a significant decrease from april, with 22 less escalators in operation for the month. this is a result of large increase in maintenance, for inspection repairs, and unscheduled service calls. >> part of the challenge about rebuilding he is laters or even repairing escalators on the rail system is that of the seven manufacturers of escalators,
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four of them don't exist anymore. so when we find there is a part that needs to be replaced, sometimes we have to build that part from scratch. >> reporter: metro says it will be several years before it's massive escalator replacement program is complete. at the foggy bottom gwu metro station, this is chris gordon, news4. >> metro riders can find out which escalators and stations are affected by checking online at metro maintenance schedules are updated daily on that website. coming up, facebook promises something awesome. find out if it lived up to the hype. and the dalai lama is in town. i'm john schriffen here in chinatown. coming up, i'll show you how his coming up,[ man ] i gotu how his this new citi thankyou card
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and welcome back, everybody, i'm meteorologist doug kammerer right here in storm center 4. i want to show you some just amazing video of an occurrence that happens in phoenix every so often. this is a dust storm or what's commonly known as a haboob making its way through the phoenix region last night. this is obviously time lapse. you can see that dust storm making its way right across the phoenix area. wind gusts reported upwards of 81 miles per hour with that storm as it made its way through
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there. just amazing, that video. as far as we are concerned right now, 86 degrees, nothing like that here. we have plenty of sunshine. heat index, though, still a problem. 91 degrees. look for a low of about 74 in washington, 70 in warnton, 67 overnight in frederick. tomorrow, high temperatures back up to around that 09 degree mark. and i think a better chance of showers and thunderstorms during the day tomorrow and then an even better chance on friday, dorene. i'll talk about that, plus the weekend forecast coming up. >> all right, see you in a few minutes, doug, thanks. the dalai lama is in washington tonight for the start of an 11-day spiritual event that's drawing thousands of people from all over the world. news4's john schriffen went to the verizon center today to look into why his holiness attracts so many followers. >> it is my privilege to welcome you to the nation's capitol. >> reporter: in a humble gesture, the dalai lama thanked the district of columbia for
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hosting the event. it features ancient buddhist rituals in front of thousands of followers from around the world. >> the dalai lama uses this teaching, this initiation, to promote, and for all together, to create this special energy for world peace. >> reporter: d.c. council chairman kwame brown used his time on stage to acknowledge the dalai lama's work here in washington. >> any time that you have someone of his stature step up to the table and talk about the injustice as it relates to voting rights here and representation here in congress, i think you need to thank them for spreading that message and getting the word out. >> reporter: many came out to see and feel the spirit of the exile tibetan leader on this special day, his birthday. >> he's our leader, he's our special leader, the one who guides us, he's like our father. >> he's someone who stood up for nonviolence, sort of this view of nonviolence, that things can be worked out and forgiveness and compassion.
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and it's also his birthday! he's 76, so good time to celebrate. >> immediately following this morning's ceremonies, thousands inside of the verizon center took to the streets to continue the birthday celebrations. they will now walk down 7th towards the national mall, in honor of this special day, many tibetans consider more important than their own birthday. ♪ >> well, it's a greeting song. >> reporter: many had political signs, asking china to free tibet from its control. yet organizers say this event has one main goal. >> our object is to bring all of them together here to plant a seed for nonviolence. we hope when these people go back to their places, they promote world peace and onviolence. >> reporter: in chinatown, john schriffen, news4. and at nationals park right now, hakem dermish down to watch a ball game. hakem? >> reporter: yeah, i'm in my element. the nationals already have one
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all-star, trying to add another. the capitals reintroduce jeff hall period of time a hometown favorite. and a shocker at the women's world cup. how sweden d
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facebook is making a move to protect its status as the world's leading social network. it announced a deal today to team up with skype for video
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chatting capability. mark barger has our report. >> reporter: facebook has already got 750 million users worldwide, communicating with each other. now the company's founder announced a new way for those users to connect. video chatting through skype. >> we just have this belief at facebook partially validated by the success that we've had with platforms so far that independent entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs who focus on one specific type of thing will always do better than a company that's trying to do a million things. >> reporter: the concept of video chatting is not new, but simplifying it and introducing it into the social networking realm could give it and skype a major boost. >> they really see that facebook has something they can't get. the engagement the level of those 750 million users compared to the say 125 million who are really engaged on skype. >> reporter: the facebook/skype pairing comes about a week after the world's leading search engine, google, introduced its own social networking site
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called google-plus. among its features is video chatting for multiple users. facebook's initial video chat offering is one-to-one. mark barger, nbc news. >> hakem dermish at nationals park now, where we're trying to get us another all-star, right? >> hello, jim and dorene. another first baseman michael morse up for the final fan vote trailing shane victorino, but morse can still pull the upset. we still have until tomorrow at 4:00 to vote. vote on or our website nbc you can also text. i think the text is on our screen right now. and 892969, i think is the number. but you can read it on the screen. to get michael morse to the all-star. sunday he missed the last two games in the starting lineup, but he is in the starting lineup tonight. and his buddy, john lannin is campaigning for the big guy to get to the all-star game.
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morse is certainly deserving, the 29-year-old having a breakout season. morse is batting .300 with 15 home runs and 46 rbis and he ha come up clutch this season, including hitting a walk-off home run against the padres in may. defensively, morse is solid, as well. he only has one error in 398 chances. bottom line, michael morse should be an all-star. >> it would be a dream come true. that's basically -- you know, you play hard the whole year, and, you know, you play to get to the world series, you play to get to the playoffs, and as a personal goal, you know, you play to get to that all-star game. and i've been through a lot in my career, so this is a great accomplishment for me right now. >> how cool would it be to have michael morse there with you? >> it would be awesome, man. i'm a lonely guy as it is, so i need him out there for me. no, just kidding. no, he's had a great year. and, you know, i think he's flown under the radar for a long time now, but everyone is starting to take notice of what he is capable of, and he's had
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had a tremendous year already, and he deserves to be out there more than anybody. >> so michael morse trying to get to the all-star game. once again, you can text n 4 to 89269. once again, n4 to 89269. you can also go to or our website, and look for the link there. you have until tomorrow at 4:00 to get michael morse to the all-star game. and the nats continue their winning ways. since june 1st, its nats are 12 and 3 in one-run games. the latest last night against the cubs. here's how it went down. and first lady, michelle obama in the house. she took a group of nine children from military families to the game, and one of the kids throwing out the first pitch. very nice. bottom of the first, no score, lance up with the bases loaded. no outs. should be a double play, but jeff baker's throw, not so good. into rest field. roger bernadina and 2-0 just
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like that. than kachl check this out. he's got this sign here, vote morse on the back of the jersey. i love that. ross debt whiler pitching well, this was his only mistake facing ramirez with a man on and tries for a two-run home run. debtweiler wishing he had that one back. the nats' bull pen so reliable. tyler on in relief. gets reid johnson to ends the inning. clifford has 61 strikeouts in the season, ranks second among relievers in the big leagues. drew storen on to close it out. darwin barney, high chopper to second. watch this, danny espinoza bare hands it. that was awesome. nats hang on to win 3-2. drew storen earns his 21st save.
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so they're definitely getting it done. turning now to hometown hockey. the capitals welcome back jeff halperin today. and on the first day of free agent, the capitals signed halperin to a one-year deal. and even though halperin has been with the caps, he doesn't expect to be a captain this upcoming season. now, the 35-year-old center played six seasons in washington from 1999 to 2006. last season with the canadiens earned 11 goals and 16 assists. halperin will provide another veteran presence for the caps, and this upcoming season will be his 12th in the national hockey league. halperin says he's just excited to be back in washington. >> looking back, i wouldn't trade it for anything. you don't always expect to be traded or where you're going to sign. but i enjoyed every city i went to, and every team i think i've played with, maybe except for one or two. but it's been a great ride.
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i've learned a ton and maybe appreciate the even more i think how special the game is and also how special my time was here. so, yeah, i'm looking forward to coming back. >> jeff halperin, another veteran presence for the capitals, they'll definitely need his season, trying to hit the big stanley cup here in d.c. jeff halperin, good guy. turning to the women's world cup in germany, the u.s. national team facing its toughest test today, sweden, the same team thabeet u.s. in a tournament in china in january. the winner of today's u.s.-sweden game would avoid a match up against brazil. the u.s. coach against the home country of sweden, and is sweden getting breaks. u.s. defender amy la-pellvet in the box. she just got cut out of position. so laura dahlquist takes the bk for sweden and rips it past solo. see it here. the shot is just too strong, and
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sweden takes a 1-0 lead. 35th minute we go. love the celebration. sweden awarded a questionable free kick. nia fischer into the net. take another look. another bad break for the u.s. they're down 2-nil at halftime. looking like it was all sweden in this game. second half. back comes the u.s., 66th minute, lauren cheney on the corner kick. check out abby wambach, as close as the u.s. gets. they lose to sweden 2-1, the first loss for the u.s. in group play. they will play brazil sunday morning in the quarter finals. so nationals trying to get michael morse to the all-star game, fans have less than 24 hours, you can text, go to outbound our website the nationals, like i said, pretty good in one-run games so
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far in june. 12 and 3 in one-run games, so tonight trying to get another win against the chicago cubs. >> i hope michael morse appreciates all of this effort you're making on his behalf. he's going to win "the voice" with all of this. >> he loves it. we made him a sign and he loves that too. we gave it to a little kid that's going to try to get the sign on tv tonight. >> all right. good stuff. thanks, hakem. coming up, a man walked into a museum, and police believe he walked right out with a picasso masterpiece. >> for all your news, we invite you to follow news4 online.
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police in san francisco may have a new clue in their search for the guy who walked into a gallery and stole a picasso. police say somebody walked into the weinstein gallery on tuesday and walked out with a 1965 picasso drawing. the drawing is worth $700,000. a security camera outside a pub down the street from the gallery caught this shot of the man walking by. police have not confirmed that this man is the suspect, but this picture was taken moments after the heist. a final check, doug. temperatures tomorrow warming back up just a little bit. the rain coming down i think during the afternoon. it's going to be a good idea to keep the umbrella handy the next couple days. you're not going to need it all day, but may see a shower or thunderstorm tomorrow. high temperature around 91 degrees on friday, i think a better chance of seeing some of that rain and more clouds.
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so a temperature of only about 84 degrees. then an saturday, 88. 91 on sunday. i think this weekend is looking very nice with lower humidity, still a little bit humid, but lower humidity. also, i think it's going to stay on the dry side. it's going to be a nice weekend to get out there and maybe get to the bay or the pools or maybe even outs to the beach. >> sounds good. thank you, doug. dean laird is a veteran navy pilot from california. i mean real veteran. he started flying back in 1940. he just turned 90 years old, and to celebrate, he went skydiving. laird says he realized recently that despite flying combat missions in three wars, and getting shot at a lot, he never had to jump out of a plane. besides, he says, he wanted to do something to impress his wife. they have been married 68 years. her health has been failing. dean says he knew if he jumped out of an airplane, it would get her out of the house, and it did. dean


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